OpenCities Map Help

RGB Colors

You can change an element's color by setting any of the color assignment keywords to an RGB data type. An RGB data type is specified as a triplet of integers in the range from 0 to 255. The integers represent red, green, and blue intensities, respectively. You can specify white as (255,255,255) and black as (0,0,0).


color= (R,G,B)

boundary_color = (R,G,B)

fill_color = (R,G,B)


(255,0,0) red
(0,255,0) green
(0,0,255) blue
(255,255,0) yellow
(255,0,255) magenta
(0,255,255) cyan
(200,200,200) light gray
(100,100,100) dark gray

For example, to change the color of elements in a reference file with a logical name of "border" to be light gray, you can write the following design script:

! Change the color of all elements in a
! reference file with the logical name
! "border" to a light gray shade.
if (lname eq "border") then
	 color = (200,200,200)